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Lahari Music


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Lahari Music is a major Indian music company based in Bangalore, with a rich history dating back to 1974. We primarily focus on producing film songs, and also offer other genres of music to a lesser extent. Our wide range of music-related services and products cater to the needs of music enthusiasts and professionals alike. We distribute our music through online streaming services such as Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Prime Music, and partner with YouTube channels to broadcast our music videos. To attract new listeners, we are constantly promoting our music on social media platforms and collaborating with influencers in the Indian music industry. With a vast catalogue of iconic film soundtracks and songs, our unique selling point lies in leveraging nostalgia for classic films and the cultural significance of these soundtracks to attract listeners. Additionally, we aim to increase activity and interaction on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook through regular posts, engaging content, artist spotlights, and interactive polls to boost engagement.

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Specializing in film soundtracks, Lahari Music curates a diverse collection across various genres. From foot-tapping filmi hits to soulful devotional melodies, We cater to a wide range of musical preferences.

© 2024 by Lahari Music. 

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